Sunday, June 22, 2008


Sunshine Wonder Week is finally here! And with it comes some really great challenges!
Would you like to see the schedule of events?

And do you see that challenge up there that says Wonder Quote Challenge? That's mine. So I really hope you come and participate. Make this Wonder Girl smile, OK? And while you are there join all the other challenges too...we have worked hard on this and there are a lot of great prizes to be had too!
We even have a daily download going on..but you need to be quick and get it before it's gone. So visit the Sunshine Studios Blog for more information and to find the daily download. Because we all know how great Freebies are, right?

2 people left love:

Julie Southern (Studio Sherwood) said...

I did mine! Yay! Also submitted my application...

Cheryl said...

Those are some cute graphics they are making.